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Abstracts for oral or poster presentation


The Conference Program Committee also invites abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Only one oral presentation will be accepted for each author. Oral presentations will be organized by 20-minute time slots (17 minutes for presentation, 3 minutes for questions). All oral presenters are expected to deliver PowerPoint presentations.
We encourage poster submissions because of the limited time available for oral presentations. The program will include a dedicated poster session to encourage discussion between poster authors and attendees. Presenters need to bring hard copies of their poster.
When submitting your abstract:
  • Provide a brief but descriptive title, avoiding acronyms or scientific names in the title unless the common name is not widely known;
  • List all authors, their affiliations, organizations
  • Provide a summary of your findings and restrict your abstract to 250 words.



Abstracts for presentations must be received by 14 September 2014. All presenters will receive an email confirmation of their abstract submission and will be notified of acceptance and the designated time and place of their presentation by 14. September 2014.
Abstract submission is closed!


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